is one of the most valuable ingredients of human nutrition and it is in great
sufficiency everywhere on Earth, either as a mineral or dissolved in seawater
at a percentage of about 2-3% by weight.
Salt is a cheap product and only few are the ones entering the process of producing it from seawater, avoiding salt packages for which they are not sure of their composition this way. On the other hand, once we want to produce our homemade sea salt, the quantity of seawater we collect is related to the quantity of sea salt we want to gather, and indicatively we can say that out of 100 kg of seawater, we will eventually get about 2.5 kg of sea salt.
Once we have collected the
seawater in containers, we transfer it to new containers by filtrating it with a tulle. This procedure isolates the foreign bodies that float in seawater as well as removes many other bodies
that are not visible with the naked eye. After we have filtrated the whole quantity of seawater, we leave it in the new containers for 2 days in order to
let other unwanted bodies that did not isolated by the tulle to settle on the
bottom of the containers.
On the third day we carry
out a new transfusion of seawater into
new containers again, and according to this procedure we leave a small quantity
of seawater in the initial containers
that will be thrown away, which contains potentially undesirable substances
that have settled on the bottom of the containers. At the end of this final
procedure there is only seawater left in the new containers, that must evaporate
and leave pure sea salt in the pot after its evaporation, and the quickest way
to do this is the boiling method.
Our sea salt is stored by
placing it in glass jars that are airtight, because salt is hygroscopic and has
the ability to bind the humidity of the
atmosphere. This phenomenon can petrify our sea salt and force us every time we
want to use it to hit it in the mortar. When sea salt petrifies becomes hard
and this is something we probably want to avoid.