
Rainbow trout intensive farming!

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which is so called because of its many colored spots on its skin, originates from the Pacific coast of the United States and has quickly proved to be a tough and fast growing fish species particularly suitable for breeding. 

Intensive farming of rainbow trout in fresh water usually consists of many square concrete ponds of several sizes and depths to cover the various stages of fish growth. These ponds are fed by water through a groove that collects water from a water source such as a drilling or river, and by diverting the collected water to the ponds.

The particular ponds can be operated with two techniques. The continuous flow technique, which applies to an open system consisting of continuous water flow through the facilities, and the recirculation technique, a closed system technique consisting by the circulation of water in the ponds and its recycling through pumping and processing units. Recirculation has the advantage of allowing the control of water temperature, which makes easy the rainbow trout farming during the winter.

Rainbow trout is a fish that loves cold, clean and well oxygenated waters. The appropriate temperature where it notes its highest activity is 12-15
°C. When the water is too cold and under 4 °C it stops growing, as in the summer when the water temperatures go up and exceed 20 °C, it loses its appetite for food.

As carnivorous fish, rainbow trouts requires a protein-rich diet. In a favorable environment, rainbow trout can reach a weight of 350 gr in 10 to 12 months and 3 kg in two years. Rainbow trout farming is one of the most appealing choices for domestic meat production of high nutritional value, as well as one of the healthiest investments for a supplementary income of a household with guaranteed yield, due to the worldwide high demand for the product in question.